
Monday, February 20, 2012

Retrieval Scheduled

So apparently I need a little longer stim time and after a quick check this morning, Dr. B. suggested we stim one more day (today) and trigger tomorrow. He said that seven eggs were "ready to go" but he thinks we can get ten if we bump everything by a day. Of course, ten would be better so I agreed to do whatever he thought was best. Our retrieval is set for Thursday morning and we are supposed to arrive at their office by 7 am (and we're about 45 minutes away). The good thing is that we should beat most of the traffic because we'll be so early!

Our u/s today was at their small satellite office and they were kind of slow so we were able to sit and talk with Dr. B as he went over our schedule for the next week or so. They are now recommending (like many of your clinics) a day 5 transfer which I wasn't aware of. He really took his time and answered all the questions I could come up with about the differences in the day 3 and day 5 transfer, some of which I was aware of but it was nice to hear all of this directly from my doctor.

They had to check the schedule with the main office before actually giving me a time for the retrieval, and they called me this afternoon with specific times. When I answered, I heard the voice of my favorite nurse, H, on the other end of the line! I just love her! She went over all of our retrieval instructions, times and specifics to make sure we were clear on everything. Then she surprised me by saying she had notes written on my chart that she would be the nurse handling my retrieval! I was so happy to hear that she would be with me that day, I'm really comfortable with her and especially with Dr. A being gone, it will be so nice to have her there with us on Thursday!

As for the transfer, we're on standby for Sunday morning until the embryologist checks our embabies and gives their recommendation. If they're still growing and dividing they will typically recommend waiting and doing a day 5 (blastocyst) transfer on Tuesday. If they feel that it would be better to proceed with a day 3 transfer, they'll call us to come on down on Sunday morning. Works out nicely that it's on a Sunday and we're both off. I'm excited but a little nervous about this!

That's all the updates for us right now but I wanted to share a funny story with you that Dr. B told us today. We were talking about running into patients down the road and how he remembers people and their stories. He was grocery shopping years ago when a woman ran up to him and excitedly shouted, "Dr. B!! You got me pregnant!!!" He was convinced she shouted it loud enough that half of the store heard it so he quickly greeted her and responded, "Helped! I 'helped' you get pregnant!!" I'm sure that every shopper in that aisle had whiplash as they tried to take in that whole exchange!

So just a little piece of advice if you run into your RE in public... choose your words wisely!


  1. Thats great! I'm triggering tonight and was told we will have to switch to a day 2 transfer because they can't "risk" going any longer which makes me really nervous. Our clinic has a 90% success rate for day 5 transfers so I was very dissapointed that we couldn't do that. I'm glad you get your fav nurse, I have my fingers crossed for mine :) Good luck!

    1. Don't worry. The most recent research shows that there is only a higher rate of success with blasts because less make it that far. If 100 women transfer 3 day embryos, and 75 get pregnant it is better than only 25 women making it to blast stage and 20 of them getting pregnant. It is a numbers game that looks better on paper, but isn't better for the women trying to get pregnant. Embryos survive better in YOU than in the lab, no matter the age.

  2. That is all exciting news. It's all coming up quickly! You could be PUPO in a week!

  3. This is wonderful news! I'm rooting for all 10 follies and hoping for lots of good news in the next few days!! And I loved the story about your RE. ;)

  4. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Good luck with your retrieval! I'll be looking forward to your news!

  5. Best of luck!!! It sounds like your clinic is really on top of things. You don't usually hear of one that evaluates the embryos and are willing to make a decision between 3 or 5 day embryos like that.

  6. Good luck on the retrieval!

    Also- that story is HILARIOUS!

  7. LOL! I love the story you shared. :) Hope ER goes smoothly. So exciting!!!

  8. We are cycle sistas! I am on the exact same schedule as you. Good luck on Thursday and with the transfer. I am hoping for lots of eggs and some good embies!

  9. This is such an exciting time. I hope that the rest of your cycle is full of luck and happiness!

    Thanks for sharing the story. It's nice to be able to laugh at parts of this journey sometimes.

  10. LOL that story is awesome! Good Luck! Hoping and praying you get lots of beautiful eggs!
